Enrique Recio III

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Sharing Enrique's Life

In this section we would love to hear from you about Enrique (Rico) Recio III.
We want to compile a Memory, Story or Comment you would like to share with all of us.
This section will be shared with the Parole Board so they can know how great the loss was for all who knew him.

I will make it as easy as possible. You can email, text me or even call me and I will include your MemoryStory or Comment here for all of us to see. 
Email to: justiceforenrique@gmail.com
Text or call my cell: (512) 850-2800
Please include your name with your input.

(Dad) Enrique (Henry) Recio

What can I say about my son Enrique Recio III only that I love him and miss him every day. But I will share one of my many memories I have of him and for those who know me you will not be surprised that it’s a fishing story. We were surf fishing for sharks with our good friend Mike D., and Enrique was so intent to yak his own bait. For those that don’t know what that means, when we shark fish we use very big reels and they are not castable, especially at the distance we want so a kayak is used to deploy the bait. This is a very dangerous part of fishing as you are paddling bait with very sharp hooks out into the surf and if you happen to flip the kayak you could end up getting hooked yourself. As a parent I was worried about that possibility but he finally convinced me and we came up with a plan for his first try. The plan started with Mike D. (a very experienced surf kayaker) teaching and coaching him the “do’s and dont’s”. Then the worried dad (me) came up with a plan to stab fishing floats onto the hooks so if he flipped over he would not get hooked. Then when he reached the dropping point he would remove the floats and drop the bait. So the time came for the plan to go into action, he paddled past the breakers with no problem and gets to the dropping point. I had my eyes glued on him the whole time. I see him drop the bait and he turns the kayak and paddles back. When he reached us I asked him “Son did you remove the floats?” His bummed face said it all, he forgot to remove the floats. It was a hard fishing lesson but it sure made for a funny story. Love you and miss you buddy

(Dad) Enrique (Henry) Recio

So my wife Maria, Daughter Claudia, Son Victor and my son Enrique went out to eat at Pappasito's and there was a long wait time so we were all standing around there by the entrance waiting for our table. They had the music going and my wife told Enrique if he danced a whole song she would give him $10. He was probably about 12 years old at the time. My wife did not think she would be taken up on that deal but she was wrong. Enrique danced the whole song from beginning to end and collected his $10. It was awesome! 

(Dad) Enrique (Henry) Recio

Another fish story. It was during the winter and fishing on the surf when its cold can be challenging. I talked to Enrique and Victor about it and Enrique was game but Victor decided to stay home. I don't blame him as he was probably around 11 years old. We went to Matagorda beach and fished this structure at about 12 miles down. The structure is a sunken ship that has been buried there for a long time. So we get to fishing and we are tearing up the reds and the drums. At the time I had one of those hand held video cameras so I decided to video some of the action. After filming some of the catches I turn the video to Enrique and asked him something along the lines "Victor is missing some good fishing" and Enrique looks at the video camera and says "Victor is at home making cookies with mom". Of course you know brothers give each other the business. We still have that tape in one of those old cassette formats. Any way I miss those days of me and my boys going fishing.


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Compartiendo la vida de Enrique

En esta sección nos encantaría saber de ti sobre Enrique (Rico) Recio III.

Queremos recopilar una Recuerdo, Historia o Comentario que te gustaría compartir con todos nosotros.

Esta sección se compartirá con la Junta de Libertad Condicional para que puedan saber cuán grande fue la pérdida para todos los que lo conocieron.

Lo haré lo más fácil posible. Puede enviarme un correo electrónico, enviarme un mensaje de texto o incluso llamarme e incluiré su Recuerdo, Historia o Comentario aquí para que todos lo veamos.

Envia un correo electrónico a: justiceforenrique@gmail.com

Envía un mensaje de texto o llama a mi celular: (512) 850-2800

Por favor incluya su nombre con su entrada.


Puede hacer ambas cosas, escribir una carta y firmar la petición.