A Parole Protest Petition

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Parole Protest Petition: Keep Fred Yazdi in prison

  • Fred Yazdi shot and killed Enrique Recio III on February 3rd, 2012.
  • Fred Yazdi, convicted of murder with a deadly weapon, was sentenced on October 24, 2013, to serve 20 years in prison.
  • Fred Yazdi has never taken responsibility for his violent crime.
  • Voice your concerns and urge the Parole Board to DENY Fred Yazdi's parole application.
  • Keep Fred Yazdi in prison where he belongs.

Parole Protest Petitions will be kept in strict confidentiality.

Fred Yazdi and his attorneys are NOT allowed to read 
the signatories of the petition.

Sorry but the automatic sending the petition is not functioning so please do it manually as per the following instructions.
(We may have missed some due to it locking up on sending and people
may have assumed that it was sent)

Copy and paste the petition form below to your email pane.
Add your information to the bottom and email it to

TDCJ –Victim Services Division
8712 Shoal Creek Blvd, Ste 265
Austin, Texas 78757

        Offender: YAZDI, FRED
        SID Number: 08996883
        TDCJ Number: 01896185

Esteemed Members of the Parole Board,

I am writing this letter to express my strong opposition to the release of Fred Yazdi, who was
convicted of murder in the early morning hours of February 3, 2012. As a concerned citizen,
I urge you to deny his parole and keep him in prison for the remainder of his sentence.

The circumstances of Mr. Yazdi's crime are deeply disturbing. Mr. Yazdi claimed that he
believed Mr. Recio was attempting to burglarize his home, but there was no evidence to
support his claim. The police found no signs of forced entry Mr. Recio was not armed.

Furthermore, Mr. Yazdi's actions after the shooting demonstrate a complete lack of remorse.
He did not call the police before his actions or attempt to render aid to Mr. Recio. Instead,
he calmly stood in his yard, holding his gun, and waited for the police to arrive. He even
told the officers that he did not want Mr. Recio to escape and shot him as he was
running away.

Mr. Yazdi's actions were not those of a responsible and law-abiding citizen. He took the law
into his own hands and ended the life of another human being without just cause.
This behavior demonstrates a serious disregard for the value of human life and a failure to
understand the gravity of his actions.

I urge you to consider the seriousness of Mr. Yazdi's crime and the impact it has had on the
victim's family and friends. Please deny his parole and ensure that he remains behind bars
for the remainder of his sentence. It is the only way to ensure that justice is served and that
the public is protected from further harm.

On behalf of Enrique Recio III, his grieving family, and our community I respectfully urge
the Board to DENY Fred Yazdi's parole and offset the next parole review for as long as
the law allows.

Thank you for your consideration

Respectfully Submitted,





Another way would be for you to send me your info
And I will fill out the form for you

You can do both, write a Letter and Sign the Petition.



Petición de protesta por libertad condicional: mantener a Fred Yazdi en prisión

  • Fred Yazdi disparó y mató a Enrique Recio III el 3 de febrero de 2012.
  • Fred Yazdi, condenado por asesinato con arma mortal, fue sentenciado el 24 de octubre de 2013 a 20 años de prisión.
  • Fred Yazdi nunca se ha hecho responsable de su crimen violento.
  • Exprese sus preocupaciones e inste a la Junta de Libertad Condicional a DENEGAR la solicitud de libertad condicional de Fred Yazdi.
  • Mantener a Fred Yazdi en la prisión donde pertenece.
Las Peticiones de Protesta de Libertad Condicional se mantendrán en estricta confidencialidad.

Fred Yazdi y sus abogados NO pueden leer
los firmantes de la petición.

Puede hacer ambas cosas, escribir una carta y firmar la petición.